
Images play a significant role in all communications. UPM imagery has two main categories: key images and feature images.

Key images are either symbolic images representing Biofore strategy and vision, or images that present products and solutions in a way that supports our Beyond Fossils message. Feature images document the use and features of our products and solutions. Feature images are also used in illustrating stories about our stakeholders, operations and our own people.

Consult Communications & Brand team when planning large scale photoshoots. Graphics are never used as key or feature images. Graphics can be used in videos, animations, presentations and in a supporting role in marketing material but they never replace key images.

On digital platforms, UPM imagery has three main categories:

Key images

Key images are professionally produced, high-definition images that represent UPM’s Biofore vision and corporate level themes like responsibility, bioeconomy, surrounding society and global megatrends as growth drivers for UPM. They always have a simple, focused and strong composition with only few elements in the image.

  • Key images should be used as introductory images to a digital platform, and they should have a clear leading role within the channel.
  • Always use full-size images with spacious composition that covers the entire area in use (key images are never cropped or cut-out images).
  • Key images should always have authentic, natural and real photographic objects.
  • Never use illustrations, free-hand drawings or graphics as key images.

On internet sites, the use of hero images should be considered carefully:

  • Is the subject generic or symbolic enough for a primary position as hero image?
  • Does the image composition support the use of hero text and links?
  • Is the image well in line with other images on the same platform?
  • Is there a suitable hero image already available in the global Episerver assets?

Feature images

Feature images illustrate the use and quality of UPM’s raw materials, products and solutions. They also tell the story of our stakeholders and operations. Compared to key images, feature images are less symbolic, more documentary and have more details, but they should always present an interesting view point to the topic and have a fresh and dynamic composition.

  • Feature images support the key images by illustrating UPM operations in a more concrete and informative manner: products, raw materials, solutions, operations and people.
  • People in the images should seem positive and relaxed and have natural positions in an authentic situation. No posing and not in a studio setup.
  • Feature images should always have authentic, natural and real photographic objects. 
  • Carefully select a cropping that simplifies the image and highlights what is essential. 
  • When using infographs as feature images, make sure they are user-friendly, aligned with UPM’s visual identity, technically suitable for the chosen platform and readable on different devices.

On internet sites, always use a high-definition image original that

  • can be cropped and scaled specifically for different applications
  • our standard feature image size is 16 : 9 and preferrably 1920  x  1080 px